Influence on public opinion
The abbreviation PR was derived from the word combination public relations, which in translation means "public relations". PR on the Internet is conducted in three cases.
A product or service has just entered the market or is planned to be launched. In this case, PR is to inform the target audience about the appearance of new products, focusing on its benefits, which as a result promotes the interest of buyers. These events allow you to form the market in advance, preparing buyers for the emergence of new products.
PR on the Internet for goods already on the market. In this case, the objectives of the event include finding potential buyers, expanding the client base, disseminating information about the quality differences from earlier models.
PR on the Internet for a product or service that has long been on the market, but not in demand because of the large number of negative reviews. In this case, measures are taken to neutralize negative information, disseminate positive information and change prejudice.
SoftERP specialists perfectly master the methods of influencing public opinion, therefore the results of the conducted campaigns are always impressive.