1c-bitrix is ??the most convenient system for managing a site. Its possibilities are really impressive. Using an intuitive interface, the user can manage the contents of the site at will. There is a presence of modules for content management, there is the possibility of managing an online store, various communications and web analytics are available. In principle, this system can be called optimal, but it can not provide for the needs arising from the management of the enterprise and to link the company units in one unit to optimize their work. But, nevertheless, 1c-bitrix is ??a popular control system because of its convenience, and also because of the ease of integration with SoftERP. With the use of such software and modern enterprise management methods, it is possible to easily create an ideal system that is convenient for workers who are used to using the 1-bitrix and other employees who are able to use the common database and new features of the SoftERP system. So, combining these systems into one whole can be called the most successful and optimal solution in providing the functionality of the enterprise.