Crm system
Crm system is an integral part of SoftERP, which is designed to provide the most active interaction with customers in automatic mode. The functionality of the system consists in the preservation and structuring of all incoming information about the client, on the basis of which further forecasting of the development of relations is carried out. It is worth noting that the preservation of valuable customers is a difficult task, because at the moment there is a constant competition, and other firms do not miss the opportunity to provide more attractive offers of their services. Therefore, customer loyalty plays a primary role in determining preferences, which must be taken into account when building relationships with customers. Crm system opens a full range of opportunities for working with the client, including the possibility of using a variety of means of communication. Any information about the customer is stored in a centralized information database, and upon repeated application, it is possible to obtain on-line data about his preferences, as well as previous experience of communication and planned activities aimed at improving relations and improving the quality of service.