Promotion of the resource in the search engines
Promotion of a site is not a one-off event, as many resource owners might think. In fact, it's almost an endless process, which needs to be given enough time, because it's not enough to take a place in the top of the issue on search engine queries, this place needs to be kept constantly, because a lot of sites of such an orientation will not miss the opportunity to win this position. Accordingly, work on promotion should be carried out on an ongoing basis, and to perform this task will need qualified professionals who will be able to choose the most effective methods in each case.
The concept of "website promotion" implies the achievement of the resource top positions as a result of the issuance of search engines for a specific request. It is these positions that contribute to the influx of the maximum number of buyers. As you know, search engine users in most cases are limited to viewing one or two pages of results, and accordingly, the largest number of visitors get the resources that are on these pages.
Therefore, the promotion of the site is quite rational and economically justified action, because from a resource that has a minimum number of visitors, there is no benefit.
As mentioned earlier, website promotion is a permanent process, which should not stop for any reasons. It's enough for a few days not to pay enough attention to the process of promotion, as the site will immediately lose its positions, and it's much more difficult to return to the previous place than to go down.
Methods of promotion differ in efficiency and legality of use. At the moment, there are "black" and "white" ways to promote the resource, and if the "white" are designed for a gradual but long-term result, then the "black" are characterized by a rapid rise without any guarantees of effectiveness, that is, the next day the site may on page 20 of the issue, or can be generally excluded from the search. Therefore, specialists of SoftERP will never recommend to you the "black" methods of promotion, despite their simplicity and external attractiveness. The work of our employees is designed for a long-term result, which is correspondingly reflected in the high positioning of our clients' resources in search engines.
How to start website promotion
Before you begin to promote the resource in the search engines, a thorough audit is always conducted to identify errors and inaccuracies in the structure and content of the site, which in the future will prevent the indexing of pages of the resource by search robots.
The main errors that prevent such a process as site promotion:
- A large number of duplicate pages. This error occurs when using cms engine and is eliminated by its optimization or the correct setting of the robots.txt file.
- Ability to access the resource by "mirrors". This moment also contributes to the appearance of pages of takes. The question is solved by setting the htaccess file.
- Slow loading of pages. In this case, the promotion of the site is impossible without eliminating this problem. The reason for the slow loading may be the saturation of the pages with interactive elements or any other reasons that specialists can quickly identify.
- Content copied from other sites. With non-unique text content, the site does not enter the search system, and, accordingly, the site can not be promoted.
- The wrong or missing semantic core of the site. If the keywords are not correctly matched, the site will not correspond in its direction to the key queries for which it will be issued in the search engine. In the absence of the required percentage of keywords on the site, there is no promotion, because the resource for these queries is not valuable to the search engine, and accordingly, the results of the issuance are not reflected.
There are also other influencing factors, in which the promotion of the site is impossible without their prompt elimination. Therefore, site audit is carried out in the first place, because these actions are aimed at identifying possible errors and their subsequent elimination, which will contribute to a good indexing of the pages of the resource by search engines.
The following methods of site promotion
Web site promotion is carried out taking into account its direction and content, that is, methods of promotion are selected individually.
First of all the search optimization of the resource is carried out. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of the search engine under which the site is optimized. Different search engines use various algorithms for ranking resources, and therefore, in case the site receives the first positions in Yandex, there is no guarantee that it will end up in the same place in Rambler or Google.
With search optimization, all the defects are eliminated, the tags are filled correctly and the page headers are made out. A proper semantic core is created, and the site is filled with unique content optimized for specific requests. After that, you can start registration in the search engines and thematic directories, which is necessary for the fastest indexing of the pages of the site by search robots and increasing the level of ranking that in such a matter as the promotion of the site is important.
After solving the above tasks, you can, in fact, begin to actively promote the site, which will be promoted by properly selected and well-formed advertising campaigns. In each case, the ways to promote the resource are selected individually, and this can be either offline advertising, or the exchange of links or some other method, the effectiveness of which depends on the type of resource and the tasks assigned to it.
The most popular and common methods of promotion can be called banner advertising, contextual advertising and promotion of sites with articles. But at the moment banner advertising is losing its effectiveness due to the frequent cases of "gluing" banners, which is actively used by both competitors and owners of advertising platforms. With the maximum costs for banner advertising, you can get a minimal result, so at the moment the promotion of the site is most often carried out using a number of methods, each of which is effective in its own way.
Contextual advertising does not lose its positions, and still contributes to the increase in visiting the target audience.
Promotion of the site with articles increases the reference mass, and again has an impact on a certain segment of visitors. With promotion it is worthwhile to actively publish new materials and on the pages of your own resource, which automatically increases its value in terms of search engines and makes the resource attractive and useful for visitors who need information.
SoftenP specialists, who have extensive experience and relevant qualifications in this field, will help you to promote the site with the following support.