Comparison of products by characteristics
Product comparison is a module that allows comparisons of products to fall into one category according to technical characteristics. As you know, when choosing a product, the buyer examines the various variants of the product, while it is quite difficult to keep in mind the technical characteristics of each sample, especially since the difference in time is only a few points. If a buyer wants to make a purchase on a site where an opportunity such as a comparison of goods is realized, he will have all the necessary information to remember, record, or return each time to the pages of the previous goods, any of these options is rather inconvenient. Accordingly, the buyer will try to find a site where it will be possible to compare the goods on one page and it is there that will make a purchase, having taken advantage of an efficient service. Therefore, for the owners of trading platforms, the organization of service comparison of product characteristics gives the opportunity to make the site more convenient, and therefore more visited. Advice on the rationality of implementing such a module can be with the specialists of SoftERP at any time convenient for you.