Statistical data modules

The statistical data modules allow you to quickly generate statistical reports according to the specified parameters. Previously, in order to get statistics, for example, on the work of the advertising department or the management department, it was necessary to form a corresponding query. After receiving the request, most of the department employees left their current assignments and started to process statistical documents, which led to a serious lag in the work of the department. Agree, not a very good situation, but you can not do without statistics, because based on the data obtained, strategies for doing business are formed and various activities are planned. The SoftERP system allows you to retrieve statistical data within a few minutes. To do this, just go to the necessary section and use the filters for creating reports. Information can be obtained both for a single employee, and for a certain product, type of sales or any other actions or financial movements of the firm. The statistical data modules generate reports based on information in the common information base, and the documents reflect the state of affairs at the current time.


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