
Organization of optimal work of the warehouse

The warehouse is an important link between the manufacturer and the consumer. A rare store or business does not have its own warehouse. Of course, even without a warehouse, you can sell products, for example, on the principle of dropshipper trading, but the availability of storage space allows for a faster sales process, because the goods do not need to be ordered and wait until they are delivered, they are always available.

Order in the warehouse is a guarantee of a clear work of the store. Quite often, the storage and timely accounting of products is not given enough attention, and the negative impact of this approach does not take long to wait. The lack of information about the situation in the warehouse is bad for the work of managers who are not sure whether the products are available and in what quantity, and therefore fill out applications after a long time to find out the real number of items.

The warehouse itself is a complex system that requires constant attention. The fact is that the work of the store as a whole depends on the precise work of the warehouse and the relevance of the information coming from there. Sellers and managers, buyers and many other employees are guided by the data obtained, whose tasks are to supply the store with products or organize sales. Therefore, any changes in the state of the warehouse should be reflected in the relevant documentation.

Many can argue and say that this is unrealistic. After all, a person can not always walk around the warehouse and fix every minute sales and receipts. Although earlier it was approximately the same, only changes in the presence / absence of products in the warehouse were recorded after some time intervals. Accordingly, for example, if a certain type of product was terminated but at the same time entered the warehouse, it would go on sale only when the revenues in the relevant form were fixed and information about them was transferred to the manager.

If the warehouse was small and the range of products was not wide, such a receipt was recorded quickly, but there was still a sufficient amount of time when, due to lack of up-to-date information, customer demand was not satisfied, and, accordingly, the store suffered losses.

If the warehousing numbered hundreds of product names, which is quite natural for a medium-sized supermarket, any electronics store and any outlet that specializes in the realization of diverse products, then it is very difficult and time-consuming to keep a timely record of products in the old-fashioned way. Accordingly, the operative notification of store employees could not be expected, which adversely affected the organization of sales of products.

So it was until some time, but after the emergence of new technologies, there was the opportunity to organize the collection of information in the shortest possible time. The introduction of a warehouse management automation system made it possible to achieve a completely new level in warehouse logistics. All receipts and sales are accounted for automatically, and information is entered into a common database. That is, the seller or manager can, within a few seconds, get the information that interests him, reserve the necessary quantity of products, find out when the necessary shipment of goods will be delivered and perform any other actions related to the sales organization.

Accordingly, warehouse accounting becomes completely transparent and understandable, and takes not so much time, which allows not to increase the staff with increasing product mix.

It should be noted that the automation of business processes, including warehouse accounting, is suitable for any enterprise specializing in trade. And with online sales, and in offline trading, the system is equally convenient and effective, which positively affects the coherence of the work of all divisions of the company.

Separately, it should be noted a significant reduction in paper red tape. As you know, it takes a lot of time to compile and execute documents in traditional paper form, and mistakes are not ruled out. The automation of warehouse accounting reduces them to zero, because all the necessary actions can be carried out in electronic mode. As a result, the time for processing applications is reduced, and sales are carried out at a faster pace.

Features of the SoftERP system in full can be observed during rediscounting. Previously, the re-calculation of products was carried out by employees. That is, the warehouse staff recounted all the goods that were available, and then checked the actual state of affairs with the data available in the documents. Needless to say, with this approach, the stock-taking took quite a lot of time and human resources, and it was impossible to carry out sales during this event. With the help of the SoftERP system, it is easy to carry out the re-registration of products. Due to the availability of full information on all receipts and sales in a common database, to assess the availability of goods in a warehouse, it is only necessary to analyze all available data, which one employee can handle, and compile a consolidated document that fully reflects the actual state of affairs .

To date, we can say that the most efficient and well-coordinated warehouse works only when integrating the SoftERP system, because it enables the creation of a common information field and opens it to all persons having the appropriate competence. This is aimed at full synchronization of all store divisions, and as a result, you can get a trading platform that fully meets the highest requirements.

Separately, you can consider the synchronization of the work of the warehouse and trading platforms with the simultaneous sale of products, both by traditional methods, and with the help of an online store. In this case, the warehouse must provide products to two trading platforms operating on a different basis, but in the same direction. That is, it is necessary to reserve products in a timely manner, ship orders, order the missing goods from suppliers and perform various other actions that are necessary for optimal operation of both the real and virtual store. Accordingly, if the inventory is not automated, there is an urgent need to increase the staff, especially if the product range is gradually increasing. And, as you know, the increase in staff is not profitable initially, because it requires additional expenses.

You can avoid this trend simply by implementing the SoftERP system, which automates most of the time-consuming accounting processes and makes the tasks related to warehouse operations less time-consuming and time-consuming. In addition, it becomes possible at any time to assess the efficiency of the warehouse, which is very convenient for managers who must constantly monitor the operation of the store's divisions and adjust their work.


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